Five weddings! Skinny Love Weddings – 10 February 2018

The 2017-2018 wedding season was amazing in Wellington – lots of happy brides and beautiful summer weather. So it was a pleasure to help with another  Skinny Love Weddings pop-up wedding day at the historic (and movie famous!) Gear Homestead in Aotea. The best thing about this venue is the amazing grounds and historic buildings meaning that there was no shortage of wonderful back-drops for each couple to celebrate their love with. The photos from Meeko and Redge Photography are simply beautiful and so unique for each couple.

Once again we were lucky to work with Of Noble Nature and  Sweet Bakery who provided flowers and cakes to the highest standard, and we married four wonderful couples. All shapes and size, all colours, but lots of smiles. I even had help from a toddler mini-celebrant-in-training who stole my heart and my hand while her parents pledged their loved for each other.

Congratulations Leslie and Lisa; Kate and Chris; Stephen and Amanda; Simon and Sarah; and Mikaela and Mark! Thank you for trusting the Skinny Love Wedding team to create you a gorgeous pop-up wedding and for allowing me to be part of your special celebrations.

Such a wonderful day and I can’t wait to do it again early in 2019 at a brand new Wellington venue for the Skinny Love Wedding team!!