This wedding was project managed by the beautiful bride right down to the surprise candy floss (the groom’s favourite!) and beautiful touches throughout the day to remember loved ones. Classic mini cars drove the bridal party to the ceremony; the ceremony location chosen becuase of the couple’s special connection to biking trails in the Hutt Valley. No detail was overlooked!
However … The one thing you can’t plan on is the weather! Half an hour before the ceremony was to due to begin in Belmont Park, Lower Hutt, the heavens opened and rain fell! And it fell hard!! All the vendors and groomsmen grabbed all the outside stuff and ran inside to the beautifully decorated intimate community hall nearby (Hardwich Lounge). Quite frankly, I’ve never experienced quite so much emotion in such a small area as we did that day! Everyone walked away with love in their steps, tears in their eyes, and a glint of sunshine on their faces at the end of the ceremony.
Jo Moore Photography smashed the photos – check out the gallery here!
Many congratulations to you both and here’s to a lifetime of finding the best bike trails and riding them together xx