I love your secret cat conversations.
I love the way you laugh even when I’m sleeping.
You are my best friend.
It’s probably not politically correct to say I have career highlights as a wedding celebrant … But this was one of the most special weddings I’ve ever been a part of. It felt special driving to the outskirts of Levin, to the Makahika Outdoor Pursuit Centre, and it felt special during the ceremony, and after. I look back at the photos taken by the amazing Billie Brook Photography and published on her blog, and I simply smile in awe. All the little bits and pieces of the day and its lead up were perfect.
The cake and dessert buffet by Stiletto Studio was amazing and made special with collareral from Hitch Kitsch; Dan’s homebrew was tasty; make up by Karen Moreau was on point; and the beautiful flowers by Juliette Florist were amazing.
Dianna – who is the brains between design In-Company – you looked beautiful; Dan, you looked dashing. You’ve created a standard for weddings that is going to be hard to beat!! I wish you every happiness and I can’t wait to track your creative progress into the future xx